New Harmony, Washington County, Utah

Harmony was the first pioneer settlement in Washington County. In 1852 Fort Harmony was established by a group of missionaries sent to the area by Brigham Young. President Young earlier that year had sent  John D. Lee and eleven men to determine the agricultural potential of southern Utah and received a favorable report. The first fort built near Ash Creek was abandoned just after being built but was rebuilt later a few miles upstream. In 1862 the fort was washed out by floods. The settlers then built a new settlement at the head of Ash Creek known as Fort New Harmony in 1863. The town is still there in the high (5300 ft elevation) fertile valley at the foot of the Pine Valley mountains with a beautiful view of the Kolob fingers to the west. 

My grandmother always said that New Harmony apples were the best and I remember taking her to buy some from the Kelseys and/or the Huntsmans. In later years we went to the Iverson orchard with my husband's family to pick our own.

New Harmony is now growing as is the rest of the county. Others have discovered this peaceful area and have decided to make it their home also. The population in 2000 was 190. -CBA


(includes New Harmony, Kelsey's Ranch, and Lee/Harmony)

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Note to all:

If you have histories of the New Harmony pioneers (on a website or that you would like to have published on the web), other genealogy help for this town, or know of related links please let me know.
--Cindy Alldredge

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